“Giving birth is a transformation and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve had eight babies before. It’s still a transformation the next time you have another baby, because you are no longer the same woman you were before you had that baby.” – Penny Handford
“I’ll wing it!”
” My doctor will tell me what to do.”
“I hired my doctor and he will help me.”
“I don’t have time to plan.”
“Woman do this all the time, why plan?”
“I’ve already done this, why do I need to plan the next one?”
So, why plan for your birth? Have you ever raced in a 5K or marathon, taken a very important exam, or had a public speaking opportunity? Remember the time, energy, and prep you put into these events. Planning your birth is just as essential and important. This will be your road map! You will gain confidence in yourself, your choices, and the birth that you truly desire. Take this moment to ponder what kind of experience you are hoping for.
What is a Birth Plan?
This is the big picture and strategy for how you see your labor, birth, and postpartum unfolding. This document is thought out, typed, and given to you medical birthing team. You can share your preferences on pain management, postpartum care, and newborn procedures. Here is a quick reference to some of the other items you might want to add to your birth plan!
Quick Steps to Creating a plan the NURSES will read!
- Keep it short and clear!
- Introduce yourself and steer away from demanding phrases
- Add photos of your birth team (Mom, Dad/Partner, family, Doula, etc)
- Express gratitude to the medical staff
Examples of Birth Plans
Do you need help talking this through and having is ready for your next doctors appointment? Schedule a QUICK free 15 minute visit with Jen. Planning gave me direction, confidence, a voice, and a clear picture of this significant moment in my life.
“Women, don’t ever apologize for your behavior or choices during birth. When you OWN your experience and take pride in your journey, you help other women do the same thing. No matter how you did it, you just brought a human being into the world! The world should be kneeling at your feet.” — Lauralyn Curtis